T.I.'s Road To Redemption: 45 Days To Go
Full Summary
As he begins counting down the days to his impending March 2009 sentencing for weapons charges, Grammy-winning superstar T.I. finds himself at a remarkable crossroads. At the very apex of his career, he's facing up to 30 years of jail time for an arrest stemming from his earlier life. However, as part of a deal worked out between his lawyers and the federal government, if he completes an amazing 1000 hours of community service during the year ending this March, that sentence may be reduced. At 27, finding himself at the very high- and low-point of his adult life, he's seeking redemption in helping others avoid the mistakes he made. In the new docu-series T.I.'s Road To Redemption: 45 Days To Go cameras follow T.I.'s efforts to save himself by saving others. In order to communicate his message, he has to give each teenager a tough love lesson in life and show them the consequences of what could happen if they continue down the wrong path.T.I.'s Road To Redemption: 45 Days To Go will not only show T.I. as he attempts to help change the lives of desperate teenagers across the country, but will also show a behind-the-scenes peek at the most private and personal moments of one of today's hottest most sought after artists on the verge of leaving his glittering career for time behind bars.
The series will follow T.I. as he talks to schools and community groups about how to avoid the trouble he now finds himself in, but it will also follow a search for personal redemption. T.I.'s Road To Redemption: 45 Days To Go chronicles the rap icon's dedicated mission to educate today's youth on the issues of his past that have come back to haunt him today. Along the way, we will see the birth of his sixth child, the release of his most ambitious, reflective, and mature work yet, "Paper Trail," his long and serious journey to transform the lives of a group of at risk teens, his ongoing struggle to manage his personal life while completing 1000 hours of community service and most importantly, coming to terms with going to jail at the height of his career.
Ps. om ni nu pallar läsa det här, men säger bara att det här var intressant att läsa!
Så det är sant att T.I. har barn på rikligt, för när han sjöng om dem på den här låten à http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBpjsjJwMBs trodde jag bara att det var fake, trodde inte att det var sant.. men när jag såg på den första eposiden.. så kunde iman se hans barn,.. han har en dotter som kanske är 10 år eller mindre I guess, och sen så har han två söner ena är 2å och den andra är några månader tror jag.. shit han är verkligen a real daddy..fick nyss höra från A om att han har 8 barn (?!) (han sa det tydligen på Tyra banks show), han jobbar i L.A och familjen bor Atlanta.. hur trött han är åker han ändå till Atlanta, bara för att fira hans sons födelsedag, och sen så åker han tillbaka till L.A, och lämnar familjen i Atlanta, men det gör han av goda skäl. Det här programmen som han gör is a real shit!, man får verkligen se rätt mycket, dem gräver på rätt mycke.. man kunde se att han hade tårar i ögonen (nästan).. Rekommenderar er verkligen att titta på den. //n